Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Change Is Coming

I said it last week....A Change Is Coming...and then my back tweaked out on me. Monday I went into my trusted chiropractor and was scolded for not coming in sooner. Yep my back was definately outta whack!!! Finally on Wednesday everything was back to somewhat normal.

I took a walk with a friend and chatted it up. The best exercise for me is when I'm not thinking of exercising. I love group classes...step aerobics, kickboxing, zumba, group power to name a few.
I get really bored on the treadmill or cross trainer. I think it has to do with my need to be doing 5 million things at once. I love to wogg (walk/jog) outside but really hate doing it inside. That was one of the hardest things for me when I trained for the 1/2 marathon 2 years ago. If it was raining or we had just gotten a huge snow storm I had to train inside. Blahh....

Anyways, so I'm back at it. Saturday is right around the corner or as I call it SUPER Saturday because I get a huge workout in! I love it. I love the feeling I love the endorphines that rush through my body and make me want to keep doing more. I love the feeling when I'm done...So bring it on. Step, group power and a nice wogg....

I saw this quote and it's my new favorite saying when I get inside my head and try to talk myself out of working out.

What is your favorite exercise?

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