Monday, June 2, 2014

Short & Sweet

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Mine was super busy as is the norm in my life.
My hubby was out of town so my mom offered to watch my mini's so I could get my long run in on Saturday morning. 12 miles of heat and humidty did me in.
Nike is drunk. It was acutually 12 miles.

After my run I showered and was off to my moms for some wedding decor making. My sister's July wedding is fast approaching and there's a ton of stuff that needs to get done. After 8 hrs of working on that I came home and passed out, not before noticing my right ankle was swollen. Ekkk. 
Sunday I got up and had two photo shoots and then prepping for our rummage sale.  I think the first time I sat down was last night at 8 pm. So I'm taking today off from any sort of exercise and heading to the chrio.
My ankle doesn't hurt as much as it's swollen and feels like it needs a good crack.

My goals for the week are going to be slightly different. Since my garage is filled to the top with kids cloths, etc I won't be able to get my spinning in, and with my ankle I may have to improvise some ideas.
So here it is:
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Strength
Wednesday - Early am run (if possible)
Thursday - Strength
Friday- Yoga
Saturday - Early Am run
Sunday - Rest

That's what I got. I'm hoping I will be able to knock this out, but with late nights in my future and my ankle situation I want to be smart about it too. I don't want an injury when marathon training is just begining.

I hope you have great week and I won't be posting till next Monday since I'll be busy with the sale.
Have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Busy busy! I hope your ankle heals up... no time for any injuries!!


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