Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Ramblings

Hello Monday!
It's a new week and another chance to re-evaluate what I did right and what I did wrong.
Here was my plan last week: What I did in RED
Monday-Run (we'll see since we're getting dumped with some more snow) Spin
Tuesday-Strength/yoga Strength
Wednesday-Run Strength/spin
Thursday-Strength Strength/spin
Friday-Yoga  Yoga
Saturday-Run Rest
Sunday - 30 min misc exercise 9 miles

That's the week. We had a huge snow dump on Monday. We also got hit with the flu here. Ick not so much fun, but we're all back to feeling healthy and not like death. I can it a win.
Saturday I didn't workout. I was busy busy busy....I had to get my hair done because the platinum blondes were popping through like crazy, then grocery shop and then hello massage and dinner with my friend.
I'm such a goofball.
I didn't do anything new. Cover the "effn" grays with color and highlights and trim up the ends. Done!
The massage was nice. It wasn't amazing because I had a dude. Ok, from a girl that love love loves massages I've never had a guy do mine, well except my husband but that's my husband. So it was kind of hard (ick no pun intended) to relax. I eventually did but still weirded out. Ha! 

Sunday I woke up and knew I had to get a run in because my first half of the year is coming up in 6 weeks. EEkkkk...a-the winter has been sucking big time, b-Ice..really running on ice is no bueno.
But after I cleaned alittle and did my photo shoot I was out and running.

I have a brady band addiction.

I wanted to do 10 but really 1 degree makes it super cold so I was fine with 9. I only feel once which was amazing since I would run and then there would be ice and run and then ice, and so on for miles.
Boom and done.

And I have this little guy as a reminder that I feel. Isn't that nice. 

So that's how it was last week. Here's the plan for this week:

Friday- Yoga
Saturday - Run
Sunday - Stretch

I'm heading out of town on Friday early, fingers crossed I can get up early and get a workout in before I travel to meet up with my girl Lori and Jenni. We're getting together with Holly, Mel, and Millers too. I think. That's the plan. So I'll be getting my party on and eating my face off, but it's not like I do it every weekend. I'm super stoked. Mama needs to escape the sick house and sleep without snoring.
Also guess what it's going to be cold this week. Woohooo...bring it baby.

Linking up with the lovely Carolyn at Fitnasty

How are you staying on track this week?

1 comment:

  1. So super jelly that you're meeting up with all my favorites! Hope you all have a GREAT time!!!!


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